Dear "Come, Weary Moms" readers,
Yesterday, I decided to change the name and place of my "mom" blog. I've moved to
Take a peek and let me know what you think!
I am leaving all of the existing posts here, but not adding to them. Some of the posts on the new blog will still link back here since I don't have the time to change them.
For now, I will also still use the ComeWearyMoms subscription e-mail list.
Thanks - and I'll see you over at This Mom Grows Up!
Virginia Knowles
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Adding Wisdom to Strength
Adding Wisdom to Strength
As an often overwhelmed
mother of many, I crave inspiration where I can get it. I’m also a word person, and a single word
can sustain me for a long time.
While on my way to a family reunion with my younger kids, we visited a coal mine tour in Pennsylvania. I
wanted them to have a sense of their family heritage, since my
great-great-grandfather Heinrich Hess, a German immigrant,
was a coal miner in that area.
In the gift store after the
tour, I found a bin of engraved rocks with words on them. Many of them – such
as “Organize” and “Simplicity” - appealed to me, but I decided to narrow my
choice to a single one: “Wisdom.” Right now, wisdom is the crying need of my
So today, as I unpacked our
vacation treasures, I placed my “Wisdom” stone next to the “Strength” stone I had
picked out last year on my birthday as a gift from my daughter. The
juxtaposition of the two stones together reminded me of a key principle in life:
We need to always add wisdom to our
There are so many things we can
do, that we have the power to do. I am glad of that. In the past year, I have needed the strength of courage,
energy, and focus to step up and do things that needed to be done. Strength is
good, but we desperately need wisdom to make right choices and apply our strength to the right
things. These are not always obvious, even when reading the Bible. The Holy Spirit can guide us more specifically as we listen closely with a yielded heart.
I sat yesterday to read my
old leather bound Bible and write notes in my Scripture journal. I opened to 2
Corinthians 1, where I had left off my study, and read verse 12.
conscience testifies that we have conducted ourselves in the world, and
especially in our relations with you, in the holiness and sincerity that are
from God. We have done so not according
to worldly wisdom but according to God’s grace.”
I thought about this as I wrote:
“This is what I want to be able to say as a
Christian. This requires consecration to
God, and wisdom about what he requires. I need to think of this verse as I make
decisions for the future, especially ones that affect other people. Some things
may seem godly which are not. Some things may seem worldly which are not. What
will bring the most glory to God? What is the best way to show his redemption
and rescue in my life? How can I lead my children in the ways of the Lord?”
[Side note: Are you curious why I said, “Some things may seem godly which are not.
Some things may seem worldly which are not”? We must not be naïve in our attempts to please God. In the garden of life, we need to be careful not to be snagged by the thorns, even ones that seem pious. Remember that Jesus himself said in Matthew 10:16, “Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.” You can read more at the bottom of this post: Follow the Way of Love.]
As I contemplate my future and the choices I need to make, I
know I need both wisdom and strength. I want to live with sincerity and holiness in the midst of a world of heartache and confusion. Pray for me,
will you? Write to me, and I'll pray for you, too!
Some of my favorite wisdom verses to ponder:
“Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show
it by his good life, but deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. But
if you harbor bitter envy or selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast
about it or deny the truth. Such “wisdom” does not come down from heaven, but
is earthly, unspiritual, of the devil. For where you have envy and selfish
ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice. But the wisdom that
comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace loving, considerate,
submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers
who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness.” James 3:13-18
“Now there lived in that city a man poor but wise, and
he saved the city by his wisdom. But nobody remembered that poor man. So I
said, “Wisdom is better than strength.” But the poor man’s wisdom is despised,
and his words are no longer heeded. The
quiet words of the wise are more to be heeded than the shouts of a ruler of
fools.” Ecclesiastes 9:15-17
As Heinrich Hess wrote at the end of his 1886 memoir,

Thank you, Heinrich. That's a wise word for me 128 years later in 2014.
Wisdom and strength,
Virginia Knowles
Family Memories,
Justice ~ Mercy,
Stress ~ Difficulty,
Saturday, June 21, 2014
Quiet in Our Own Land
gather you want to conquer the whole world,” replied the philosopher. “What will you do when you have conquered
then,” said the king, “we will return and enjoy ourselves in quiet in our own
may you now,” said Cineas, “without all this ado.”
So goes the story about King Pyhrrus, as told in Awake My Soul: Practical Spirituality for
Busy People by Timothy Jones. As history tells us, Pyhrrus won battles, but at a devastating price. That's where we get the phrase "Pyhrric victory" - the struggles that end up ruining the victor.
something to think about as we go about our days. Why do we do what we do? Is it to conquer for the sake of conquest -- to get more but enjoy less? Or is to live authentically with a love of
peace and beauty? There is a time to go out and fight against injustice. I, too, find ways to make a global and local impact, not for my own glory and gain, but for the sake of real peace and prosperity for real people. As a writer, I live by the maxim, “The
pen is mightier than the sword.”
But then there is this family, this home, this quiet life that I treasure. As they also say, “The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.” My kids aren’t babies anymore, but they still need me. I still need to restore more calm and order to our chaotic little world. I still need to delight in the joys of the simple life. I will take the quiet in my own land.
But then there is this family, this home, this quiet life that I treasure. As they also say, “The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.” My kids aren’t babies anymore, but they still need me. I still need to restore more calm and order to our chaotic little world. I still need to delight in the joys of the simple life. I will take the quiet in my own land.
"The fruit of that
righteousness will
be peace;
its effect will be quietness
and confidence forever.
My people will live in
peaceful dwelling places,
in secure
in undisturbed places of rest."
Isaiah 32:17-18
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Monday, June 9, 2014
Order & Organization (What I Want & How I'm Doing It - Part 1)
Order & Organization
(What I Want & How I'm Doing It - Part 1)
At age 50 with busy days and a big family, I’m pondering a life management approach of priorities, goals, motivation, strategies, plans, and practicalities. Perhaps the keenest lesson I learned in my college management classes is this:
“The difference between efficiency and effectiveness is that efficiency is doing things the right way, and effectiveness is doing the right thing.”
I’m still learning that thirty years later. Yes, effectiveness is more important, but it’s not an either/or proposition. I need both. Here’s some of what I’m working on and how I’m doing it. I can’t cover it all in one post, but let’s start with Order & Organization, my most urgent practical need with seven of my kids still living at home. I am trying to initiate more order and develop systems for success. It may not matter much to them right now, but it matters to me.
Systems & Strategies
When I see a problem area that is stressing me out or hindering our progress, I stop and think about what solution is needed. Sometimes it is a whole system, like setting up an equitable chore chart or deciding how to categorize a large book collection.
First: I am setting goals to organize the house area by area. I already tackled the hall bath, the kitchen, the front hallway, though they still need daily maintenance. I am about halfway through my bedroom, our video collection, and the dining room / library. The other hot spots right now are the living room area, my closet, and eventually our storage/laundry room, which I’ve already been chipping away at bit by bit. I'll work with the kids on their bedrooms after we finish the public areas. When I declutter a room, I keep a large bin for items that don't belong. Then I completely clear everything from a small area (a cabinet, a closet, etc.), clean off the surfaces, and put back everything that really belongs there in an orderly way.
Third: I am containerizing, mainly with baskets and plastic bins. More laundry hampers, more trash cans, more drawer organizers… I even bought a medium-sized dark red trash can that matches our living room couches – but not for garbage. The teen assigned to keeping that room tidy shouldn’t have to go put away other people’s junk, but it still needs to be off the floor, end tables, and couches. If one kid makes a big mess, they have to go in and clean it up themselves. However, I told my son that he should throw any other random stray stuff (except trash or dishes) into that container rather than trying to go hunt down the guilty sibling. If someone wants something, they can go look for it there, and when it gets full, we’ll clean it out and make people claim their stuff or forfeit it.
I function best with constant reminders of what needs to be done when. In my earlier years of motherhood, I made a lot of lists, and then lost or neglected those lists. My iPod Touch is by far the most practical gift I have ever received. My brain has a buddy now. Seriously. I’m quite attached. It’s almost always either in my pocket or my hand.
I recently started using an app called LifeTopix, which is amazingly comprehensive, though a bit intimidating initially. Those who aren’t prepared to figure things out to get the full power of the system might prefer ToodleDo, which is much simpler but doesn’t do nearly as much. I’ll write more about those some other time. For right now, I just want to say having an interactive To Do list integrated with calendar, contacts, multi-task projects, shopping list, notes, medicine logs, finances, maps, photos, and everything else is right up my alley. As soon as I think of something I need to do, I try to enter it before forget. I set alarms for tasks that need to be completed at certain times, such as taking my morning medicines, locking all the doors at night, or picking up a child from an activity or work. All for just $4.99, and my productivity level is definitely up!
Home Assignments
We have a chore chart on the refrigerator. In addition to their own rooms and laundry, the five younger kids each have an assigned dish day and one daily chore for their family contribution (trash, living room, computer room, preparing dining room for dinner, cleaning up dining room after dinner). I do the kitchen, bathrooms, extra dishes, household laundry, supervising, organizing, shopping, and cooking. I entered all of the chore assignments (mine and theirs) into my iPod app so I can remember to hold them accountable.
What I need to do next is give the kids more in-depth training on how to do their jobs. There seems to be some confusion about what constitutes successful completion. In addition to the hands-on training needed, I’ve been working on a document to go over with them about basic family policies for not only doing the work, but preventing the need for it in the first place by just being sensible.
A Few Tools
The way I see it, the tasks I do each day, whether paid or not, are my job. I want to be professional. Part of that is acquiring the tools I need for success. I already mentioned the iPod and the apps, as well as the containers, but here are a few others.
My desk and bookcases: I keep tweaking and it gets better every time. I try to keep everything I need to work within arm’s reach. My drawers are now fully stocked with all sorts of supplies, and my bookcases have teacher resource books that I will use this next year as I home school my youngest daughter and teach group classes. You can read more about my desk organizing project here: Organizing a Little at a Time ~ My Desk and Bedside Table.
Do you have any organizing tips or tricks? Share them with the rest of us!
Grace and peace,
P.S. Related Posts on My Blogs
- Organizing a Little at a Time ~ My Desk and Bedside Table
- One Day: A Little Beauty and Order in My Home
- Busy & Creative at Home (with links to organization blogs)
- Decorating and Organizing Bathroom Areas on a Budget
- Kitchen Organization Ideas from a Mom of 10
- Impulsive Decorator's Room Redo: Front Hallway
- Turning Angst into a Clean Closet
- Organizing and Laundering Your Linens
- A Place for Everything
- Household Organization: Clutter, Clothes Storage and Chores
- Mt. Washmore (Laundry for a Large Family)
- "The Blue Bowl" and Thoughts on Making a Home
Home Schooling,
Stress ~ Difficulty
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Organizing a Little at a Time ~ My Desk and Bedside Table
Dear friends,
Since I worked part-time as a teacher this past year, I put off a lot of organizing projects until school let out two weeks ago. I have been listing them all on an iPod app as I think of them, and I try to knock them off one by one, little by little. Each day I think, "What am I up to doing today?" It depends on my available time, which area of the house is bugging me most, and other factors.
The past few days, I've kept coming back to my bedroom to work. I may not be able to totally control what happens in the other rooms of the house, but I can at least take full responsibility for my own!
Yesterday, I spent the most time at my desk. Until recently, I had a metal and laminate computer desk, but it was getting more wobbly by the day. In fact, when we moved it out of the bedroom, it split into two pieces! Yikes! Last month, I found my current sturdy wood desk (pictured above) at an estate sale for $5. I replaced the hinged handles (which were on three drawers) with much nicer knobs that I salvaged from an old dresser. I filled the desk drawers with some of my office supplies and papers when I got it, but I continually add more and rearrange as I go along.
It is simply amazing to have a bunch of desk drawers. I'm not sure how I ever got by without them. I labeled two of them "Supplies" and "Paper" and told my family that those are the only two drawers they may open if they really need something. (We have the some kind of supplies and paper in the dining room, too.) The rest of the drawers are just for me -- for my hanging files and such -- because my desk is my own private area to work. In a busy household with several kids still at home, I need a quiet place where I can close the door to work, as well as a safe place for my lap top.
At the same estate sale, I bought this wicker drawer unit to hold charging cords, receipts, snacks, and other small items. I store extra books on top, so I had to move my bulletin board up and over to make room.
Two days ago, I decided to tackle the piles of miscellaneous store receipts that had been plaguing me. I'm trying to get a system for dealing with them. I folded several pieces of card stock in half to make small file folders to store receipts for purchases from different bank accounts, tax deductible expenses, items which might need to be returned, and warranty information. My plan is to empty receipts from my wallet into the folders every day or two. When it is time to itemize them for our records, I will take a folder, tally up the budget categories, and then throw away any receipt I don't need for product returns or tax purposes. Think it will work? I hope so!
I've had the white cabinet on my desk for quite some time, and it's gotten quite messy on the inside. (Yay for doors.) Yesterday I took everything out and started fresh. What did I want in there? Where should each thing go? The top shelf in holds all medical supplies, the next shelf down is for extra office supplies and eye glasses cleaning supplies, and the open bottom shelf has a butterfly flower pot with my most commonly used supplies and a basket for miscellaneous small stuff.
I taped my Mary Engelbreit greeting card collection on the outside of the cabinet. This one says, "Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% what you do with what happens to you." I decided to use some of the blank space to write in some of my priorities: Jesus, family time, home making, creativity, planning, friendship, inspiration, learning, writing, teaching, rest, service, exercise, focus, nutrition, and peacemaking. Just a reminder when I'm tempted to fritter away time with mindless web surfing!
As I work in my room, I often find stuff my kids have left in here. I grabbed a big empty bin from our storage room and just started tossing it in. I'll take the bin out when I'm done with the room, and get them to put their belongings away. I have similar bins in some of the other rooms.
The other area I worked on in the past two days is my bed area. I washed all the linens, including my ultra-soft comforter. This vintage wooden tea cart that I use as my bedside table had gotten cluttered up and dusty. I took everything off, wiped it down, and started putting back only the bare basics: a lamp, my iPod dock/clock, two small baskets, my medicine bottle, and a water mug. I keep my glasses on the padded blue box on the headboard shelf at night, along with my phone. I always know where to find them if I have to get up in a hurry.
I use a CPAP machine for sleep apnea, and I decided to put it in my biggest Longaberger basket on top of my headboard. The basket helps camouflage it and it also corrals the long air tube and face mask during the day time. I just have to make sure I leave adequate room behind the machine for its air intake. The jug of water on the bottom shelf of the cart is for refilling the CPAP humidifier chamber. I like to keep things handy so I'm more likely to use them.
I bought the Grandma mug a couple of weeks ago when my youngest grandson was born, but just put it on my bedside table yesterday. My plan is to fill it up every night before I go to bed so I can take my thyroid medicine early in the morning without getting up. If I use a regular plastic cup, someone always takes it. This one will be dedicated wholly to its job, and the cover will keep dust and bugs out at night.
Two last pictures! I bought this "Dare To" butterfly poster at Michael's craft store before Christmas and hung it with inexpensive poster hanging rods that slip onto the top and bottom edges. This was much cheaper and faster than framing. I like to be inspired and motivated, and you probably already know I am a word person from morning until night!
R is for Reinvent Yourself. I've had to do that a lot in recent years with so many life transitions. Overcome Adversity, too! There is always a bit of Fail, and Dare to Suceed. Most of all, Love All You Can.
I'm glad my bedroom is becoming a place for rest, reflection, and renewed responsibility along the journey.
What have you done to make your bedroom special?
You can find two other posts related to my bedroom here:
- A Desk for Mom
- A Space of My Own
- Sacramental (Big Words)
- One Day: A Little Beauty and Order in My Home
- Decorating and Organizing Bathroom Areas on a Budget
Thanks for reading!
Virginia Knowles
Share Your Thrift Haul,
Stress ~ Difficulty
Saturday, May 10, 2014
"Thy Good and Comfortable Word" by Amy Carmichael
“Thy Good and Comfortable
Lover of souls, Thee have I heard,
Thee will I sing, for sing I must,
Thee will I sing, for sing I must,
Thy good and comfortable word
Hath raised my spirit from the dust.
In dusty ways my feet had strayed,
And foolish fears laid hold on
Until what time I was afraid,
I suddenly remembered Thee.
Remembering Thee, I straight forgot,
What otherwhile had troubled
It was as if it all were not,
I only was aware of Thee.
Of Thee, of Thee alone, aware,
I rested me, I held me still,
The blessed thought of Thee, most Fair,
Dispelled the brooding sense
of ill.
And quietness about me fell,
And Thou didst speak: my
spirit heard;
I worshipped and rejoiced; for well
I knew Thy comfortable word.
Whoso hath known that comforting,
The inward touch that maketh
How can he ever choose but sing
To Thee, O Lover of his soul.
Amy Carmichael was a missionary to India in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Her main ministry was rescuing children from immoral duties in the Hindu temples, and then raising them in the Christian faith at Dohnavur Fellowship. The children often sang songs of praise to God throughout the day; this was a key part of their upbringing! Amy did not have an easy life. After a painful injury, she spent her latter decades as an invalid. These experiences enabled her to write straight from the heart of God to comfort those who faced trials and difficulties, and to challenge them to rise up to the call of God on their lives no matter what.
I wanted to share an Amy Carmichael poem with these magnolia pictures, so I thumbed through my dog-eared copy of her book Toward Jerusalem which I've had since college. It was hard picking. Perhaps "Bud of Joy" would have been more fitting for the pictures, but that one didn't "speak" to me at the moment. I also like "Wandering Thoughts" - I remember that going deep into me one hard year. "Love Through Me" and "The Sign" and "Cape Comorin" are other old favorites which I shared at our ladies' Bible study two weeks ago, since our lesson mentioned Amy Carmichael.
When I finally settled on "Thy Comfortable Word", I did a Google search on the title so I wouldn't have to type in all the stanzas. The top entry on the list? Mine! Apparently, I had included it in one of my old e-magazines over eight years ago, the same issue in which I announced the birth of my youngest daughter Melody. If I'm not mistaken, I think I remember breathing out these poems' lines during labor. (I really did strange things like that.) I do know, based on a note I included with it in that e-magazine, that I sent one of my older daughters to grab the book from the shelf one day when I was feeling really low. It could have been a day when I felt like that first and last magnolia in the pictures above, with the stamens falling out of the center, just lying there disconnected in a heap. As I read the poem then, I could sense the comfort of God wash over me, his inward touch that made me whole. Read it again, and maybe it will bless you now, too. Perhaps these links about magnolias, Amy Carmichael poems, and lessons I learned from mothering Melody will also encourage you. Enjoy...
- Still Life Magnolias
- Little Gem's First Bloom and the Day of Small Things
- “A Parent’s Prayer” by Amy Carmichael
- Melody, My Bud of Joy (with a poem by Amy Carmichael)
- Melody-isms
- The Password of Praise
- Mommy, Can I Help You?
- Simple Shoes
- Melody and Bab
P.S. My daughter Julia is about to give birth to her first child any day now. Say a prayer for her, will you? Funny thing is, the midwife who is supposed to deliver baby Lucas also delivered my little Melody. We didn't make that connection until about a month ago. How time flies...
Seasons of Life,
Stress ~ Difficulty,
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Welcome to Visitors from No Longer Quivering!
Virginia Knowles
Friday, April 11, 2014
Mom's Chauffeur and Courier Service (A Little Encouragement)
My day "off" started off not with a bang, but my teenager's gentle voice around 6:30 in the morning: "Mom, I missed the bus. I tried to let you sleep as late as I could, but I need a ride to school." Huh? What? Oh. Up I go. Change into day clothes, keys in hand, we can do this. Let's enjoy the beautiful sunrise and a little time spent with a very sweet son. I'm a mom of 10 with seven still living at home, so one-on-one time is precious.
I got home in time to make sure my youngest daughter's hair was combed and that my youngest son was out of bed. Keys in hand, off to the elementary school several blocks away. Then home again in time to eat some breakfast and take another daughter and a neighbor to their middle school bus top several blocks away. Done yet with driving? I thought so...
But no. Within minutes, I got a text from my daughter that she had left the Cheetos for a class party in the van. Could I bring them to school for her at lunch time? Sure, why not. Not so far away, eh?
And then, and then, I got a call from one of my adult daughters asking for a "big favor, Mom." Could I bring the set of her paint brushes she had left on her bed? As soon as possible, please? I had to laugh. Yep, got it. I took a shower, threw some laundry in the washer, printed out my To Do list for the next few days. Keys in hand, off to the college to bring my amazing artist her tools. (I can't wait to go see the college's juried art show opening night next week. She had six pieces accepted for display, out of the 60 total. Did I say she is an amazing artist?)
On the way back from from the college, I decided to take advantage of being in that end of town and stopped by an antique store I spotted. The owner was just unlocking the door, a half hour past the regular opening time. Chatting with her in the store, I discovered her morning had been much like mine, running around town taking care of stuff for her adult son's family since he was sick. We both smiled and agreed: "We do for family." Yes we do.
It's been a day. A good day. A Mom day. But now, my keys are in my purse!
Oh yes, those books! Here is such a relevant snippet from one of them, starting on the very first page.
"And it's not uncommon to find ourselves wondering, How does this whole crazy puzzle fit together? Anne Morrow Lindbergh observed somewhere in her timeless little book, Gift from the Sea, that most of us don't really mind pouring our lives out for a reason. What we do resent is the feeling that it is being dribbled away in small, meaningless drips for no good reason." For me, one of the greatest frustrations of walking through the "dailiness" of my life is that I don't always get to see how the bits and pieces of who I am fit into the big picture of God's plan. It's tempting to see my life as a meal here, a meeting there, a carpool, a phone call, a sack of groceries -- all disjointed fragments of nothing in particular. Yet I know I am called, as God's child, to believe that they do add up. That in some way every scrap of my life, every step and every struggle, is in the process of being fitted together into God's huge and perfect pattern for good (Romans 8:28). As difficult as that is to "live into" daily, it had become for me a transforming truth, adding meaning to the mundane and purpose to the plodding." (Kaleidscope: God's Pattern in the Bits & Pieces of a Woman's Life by Claire Cloninger)(I picked up the book because the concept of the kaleidoscope is one I've been pondering lately. You can see more here: Kaleidoscope.)
Grace and peace,
Virginia Knowles
My Children and Grandchildren,
Seasons of Life,
Stress ~ Difficulty,
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